Communiqué 11 / 32
August 4th, 2023
River Murray Floods Tax Relief
Did you know that if your principal place of residence has been destroyed/substantially damaged due to the River Murray Floods in the specified flood area, you are able to obtain relief from stamp duty on the purchase of a replacement home provided it is going to be used as your principal place of residence.
For more information, please review the information on the Revenue SA website -
Similarly, Land Services SA have announced that it will be providing a River Murray Flood Relief in relation to its registration fee for property owners whose principal place of residence has been substantially damaged or destroyed.
For more information, please refer to the Customer Information Bulletin – CIB #380 River Murray Flood Relief.
If you would like Clelands to attend to your conveyancing needs, please contact our Registered Conveyancers, Veronique Babczynski or Libby Abbot on 08 8177 5888 to discuss.